Project Publications
(updated July 2015)
Beck, Kurt, Gabriel Klaeger & Michael Stasik (eds.) (in preparation): The Making of Roads in Africa.
Beck, Kurt, Gabriel Klaeger & Michael Stasik (in preparation): “An introduction to the African road”. In The Making of Roads in Africa, edited by Beck, Klaeger and Stasik.
Stasik, Michael & Gabriel Klaeger (forthcoming): “Reordering Ghana’s new roadside spaces: hawking in times of infrastructural renewal”. In Spaces of Order: Adaptation and Creativity in Africa, edited by U. Engel, D. Müller-Mahn, M. Böckler.
Beck, Kurt (in preparation): “Technological Dramas on the Road: The ‘Artery of the North Highway’ in the Sudan”. In The Making of Roads in Africa, edited by Beck, Klaeger and Stasik.
Beck, Kurt (2013): “Roadside comforts. Truck stops on the Forty Days Road in western Sudan”. Africa (special issue ‘Ethnographies of the Road’) 83: 426-45.
Klaeger, Gabriel (in preparation): “Stories of the road: Perceptions of power, progress and perils on the Accra-Kumasi road, Ghana”. In The Making of Roads in Africa, edited by Beck, Klaeger and Stasik.
Klaeger, Gabriel (2014): “Rush and relax: The rhythms and speeds of touting perishable products on a Ghanaian roadside”. In Roads and Anthropology: Ethnography, Infrastructures, (Im)mobility, edited by D. Dalakoglou and P. Harvey. London: Routledge, 79-96.
Klaeger, Gabriel (2013): editor of the special issue of Africa on ‘Ethnographies of the Road’.
Klaeger, Gabriel (2013): “Introduction: The perils and possibilities of African roads”. Africa (special issue ‘Ethnographies of the Road’) 83: 359-366.
Klaeger, Gabriel (2013): “Dwelling on the road: Routines, rituals and road blocks in southern Ghana”. Africa (special issue ‘Ethnographies of the Road’) 83: 446-469.
Klaeger, Gabriel (2012) “Movements into emotions: Kinetic tactics, commotion and conviviality among traffic vendors in Accra”. In Urban Life-Worlds in Motion. African perspectives, edited by H. P. Hahn and K. Kastner. Bielefeld: transcript, 131-156.
Klaeger, Gabriel (2012): “Rush and relax: The rhythms and speeds of touting perishable products on a Ghanaian roadside”. Mobilities 7: 537-554.
Stasik, Michael (in preperation): “Roadside involution, or how many people do you need to run a lorry park”. In The Making of Roads in Africa, edited by Beck, Klaeger and Stasik.
Stasik, Michael (forthcoming): “Rhythm, resonance and kinaesthetic enskilment in a Ghanaian bus station”. Ethnos.
Alena Thiel & Michael Stasik (forthcoming): “Market men and station women: changing significations of gendered space in Accra, Ghana”. Journal of Contemporary African Studies.
Stasik, Michael (2015): “Emplacement upon arrival”. In Space and the Production of Order and Disorder, edited by C. Gebauer. Working Papers of the DFG Priority Programme 1448 (Nr. 12), Halle & Leipzig: 30-33.
Stasik, Michael & Alena Thiel (2014): “Market men and station women: Changing significations of gendered space in Accra, Ghana’. Working Papers of the DFG Priority Programme 1448 (Nr. 5), Halle & Leipzig.
Stasik, Michael (2012): “In the hustle park: The social organization of disorder in a West African travel hub”. Working Papers of the DFG Priority Programme 1448 (Nr. 1), Halle & Leipzig.
Wadelnour, Rami (in preparation): “Negotiating Desert Routes: Travelling Practices on the Forty Days Road”. In The Making of Roads in Africa, edited by Beck, Klaeger and Stasik.