Workshop Invitation "The Makings and Uses of Motor Roads"
Thurnau castle, University of Bayreuth, June 7-9, 2012[more]
Seminar "Integrating Southern Africa: Challenges of Regionalisms", 11/11/ and 12/11/11 at University of Leipzig
presented by the Centre for Area Studies (CAS), the Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the DFG Research Training Group (GK 1261)[more]
"Brain Gain" 2011, 27th to 28th October in Weil der Stadt, Stuttgart
conference presented by CLEAN Africa in collaboration with CIM, Stube-BW, and AGGN[more]
eLearning Africa 2012, May 23-25 2012 in Benin
7th international conference on ICT for development, education and training[more]
"Social Movements & African Renaissance", 18.-19.10.2011 in Berlin
Internationale Conference with Renown African Activists and Intellectuals[more]
Please visit also the calender of events and have a look at our press releases in the public relations section.