Calendar of Events
Biennial Conferences
Every second year a thematic conference will be held to discuss research results from the current project implementation phase.
Thematic workshops
Additionally, two thematic workshops will be held every year and project leaders and academic staff of the SPP 1448 will present results from their research at the major international African studies conferences.
Cluster Workshops
In February 2014, a cluster workshop on the cross-cutting theme “space” of the Priority Programme in Bonn prepared the ground for a follow-up workshop and finally the elaboration of a joint book publication.
Summer schools
Three summer schools will be held in Germany and another three summer schools will be held in Africa, back-to-back with the thematic conferences in Maputo, Bamako and Addis Ababa. As part of the research programme, a limited number of internationally renowned researchers will be invited to participate in SPP activities.